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What is the application of a transformer?


Electric Transformer is a static device which transforms electrical energy from one circuit to another without any direct electrical connection and with the help of mutual induction between two windings without change in frequency.


The transformer works on the principle of ‘Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction’ which states that, ‘when a conductor is subjected to rate of change of flux linkage, an emf is induced in the conductor’.


1.To step up and step down the voltage level in Electric transmission, distribution.

2. Voltage Regulator: This can easily be seen at your home for over voltage protection.

3. Welding Machine: Transformer reduces the voltage level and increases the Current in welding process. It converts 230 V AC, to 17–45 V AC and 55–590 Amp high current.

4. Rectification: The rectification process does AC to DC conversion. Rectification is important for HVDC transmission. The most common type of rectifier is your mobile charger.

…and Many More !


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